Angel Numbers

Numerical sequences with a special message.


Angel numbers are sequences of repeating numbers, believed to be a sign of synchronicity. If it feels like you’re seeing them everywhere you look, you’re not alone. This is one of the clearer signs people tend to pick up on! The meaning of your number sequence depends on the study of numerology. Each number 1-9 carries a vibration, and its own meaning. We’ll go through each of them below!

Keep in mind that sometimes, it’s just 11:11. A one-off numerical sequence doesn’t necessarily carry special meaning, but its worth knowing your numbers and paying attention to the ones that regularly pop up for you!


You’re on the right path. Keep doing what you’re doing, your intuition is serving you well!


Change is coming, or is already under way. Don’t fight it, embrace it.


Right place, right time. The people, places, and things you’re in your life are there for a reason.


Stop, reflect, adapt. You may need to reevaluate what you’re doing and where you’re going. Its ok if the plan changes.


You’re not alone. The universe is backing up your efforts. You’ll get what you need, keep going.


There’s a reason this number is associated with gambling. You’re in luck. Trust that things will happen in your favour.


You are safe, you are protected. Trust in the options that are being presented to you.


Abundance! Celebrate what you have, no matter how small, and it will grow.


This cycle is coming to an end. Time to tie up loose ends so you can move forward.


The slate is clean. You’re at the beginning of the road. What kind of journey you want to embark on?

Mixed numbers

Add the numbers in your sequence, then reduce to a single digit.

Example: 2121, 2+1+2+1 = 6,

Example: 9898, 9+8+9+8 = 34, 3+4 = 7